STARS - 2015
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms

PrintFoot Tracker

Functional Description

This software implements a new algorithm for tracking multiple persons in a single camera. This algorithm computes many different appearance-based descriptors to characterize the visual appearance of an object and to track it over time. Object tracking quality usually depends on video scene conditions (e.g. illumination, density of objects, object occlusion level). In order to overcome this limitation, this algorithm presents a new control approach to adapt the object tracking process to the scene condition variations. More precisely, this approach learns how to tune the tracker parameters to cope with the tracking context variations. The tracking context, or video context, of a video sequence is defined as a set of six features: density of mobile objects, their occlusion level, their contrast with regard to the surrounding background, their contrast variance, their 2D area and their 2D area variance. The software has been experimented with three different tracking algorithms and on long, complex video datasets.

  • Participants: Duc Phu Chau, François Brémond and Monique Thonnat

  • Contact: François Brémond